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Eric T. Furey joined Gilbert & Furey in 2004. When his partner Justin Gilbert was elected to office in 2018, Mr. Furey began Furey Law Firm. His career has included the prosecution and the defense of varied cases from initial investigation to first-chair trial. Mr. Furey practices in diverse subject areas of litigation including environmental law, toxic torts, and personal injuries. He has experience handling business and commercial transactions, including corporate securities transactions (tender offers, stock purchases and sales, etc.), as well as business and estate planning, real estate, maritime law, and family law matters. Mr. Furey received his B.A. from George Mason University in 1984 and his J.D. from the University to Houston in 1987, where he was honored for academic achievement as a member of the Order of the Barons. He served as Research Editor for the Houston Law Review from 1986-1987. Mr. Furey is the author of Republic bank Dallas v. Interkal: Interpreting Mechanics’ and Material men’s Liens in Texas, published in the Houston Law Review (24 Hou. L. Rev. 399 (1987)); and co-author of “Renouncing the Rule of Limited Liability: Shareholder Liability under CERCLA, published in the Corporate Counsel Review (9 Corp. Couns. Rev. 71 (1990)).

Mr. Furey is a member of the State Bar of Texas, and is admitted to practice before all Texas state courts and the United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas. Eric is a member of the Brazoria County Bar Association.

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Barbara P. Fratila

Eric T. Furey, Jr.

Eric T. Furey

Eric T. Furey

Eric Furey is a founding member of The Furey Law Firm. He has practiced law in Texas since 1987 when, fresh out of law school, he took a job with an old, large, downtown Houston law firm that represented big businesses, employers, and insurance companies. After several years, he moved on to become General Counsel of a Houston-based maritime company that operated dozens of ships and where he was responsible for defending the company’s interests in hundreds of maritime personal injury and death cases.  After learning all there was to learn in these positions, he turned his efforts to representing people who had been injured due to the wrongful acts of others. In this new role he took on the same kinds of businesses, employers, and insurance companies that he once represented but now it was as an adversary.

Mr. Furey practices in diverse subject areas of personal injury litigation including automobile, truck, and motorcycle accidents, maritime personal injuries, injuries and illnesses from exposure to chemicals and toxic agents, defective product lawsuits, railroad worker injuries, oil refinery, and chemical plant accidents, wrongful death cases, construction site accidents, and oilfield accidents.

Mr. Furey received his B.A. from George Mason University in 1984 and his J.D. from the University of Houston in 1987, where he was honored for academic achievement as a member of the Order of the Barons. He served as Research Editor for the Houston Law Review from 1986-1987. Mr. Furey is the author of Republic bank Dallas v. Interkal: Interpreting Mechanics’ and Material men’s Liens in Texas, published in the Houston Law Review (24 Hou. L. Rev. 399 (1987)); and co-author of “Renouncing the Rule of Limited Liability: Shareholder Liability under CERCLA, published in the Corporate Counsel Review (9 Corp. Couns. Rev. 71 (1990)).

Mr. Furey is a member of the State Bar of Texas, and is admitted to practice before all Texas state courts and the United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas. Eric is a member of the Brazoria County Bar Association.

Eric T. Furey

Eric T. Furey joined Gilbert & Furey in 2004. When his partner Justin Gilbert was elected to office in 2018, Mr. Furey began Furey Law Firm. His career has included the prosecution and the defense of varied cases from initial investigation to first-chair trial. Mr. Furey practices in diverse subject areas of litigation including environmental law, toxic torts, and personal injuries. He has experience handling business and commercial transactions, including corporate securities transactions (tender offers, stock purchases and sales, etc.), as well as business and estate planning, real estate, maritime law, and family law matters. Mr. Furey received his B.A. from George Mason University in 1984 and his J.D. from the University to Houston in 1987, where he was honored for academic achievement as a member of the Order of the Barons. He served as Research Editor for the Houston Law Review from 1986-1987. Mr. Furey is the author of Republic bank Dallas v. Interkal: Interpreting Mechanics’ and Material men’s Liens in Texas, published in the Houston Law Review (24 Hou. L. Rev. 399 (1987)); and co-author of “Renouncing the Rule of Limited Liability: Shareholder Liability under CERCLA, published in the Corporate Counsel Review (9 Corp. Couns. Rev. 71 (1990)).

Mr. Furey is a member of the State Bar of Texas, and is admitted to practice before all Texas state courts and the United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas. Eric is a member of the Brazoria County Bar Association.

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Barbara P. Fratila

Eric T. Furey, Jr.

Verdicts and Settlements


Settlement won on behalf of motor accident victims.


Settlement won for grieving family that lost their father.


Settlement won for wrongful death case.


Settlement won for motorcycle accident victim.


Settlement won on behalf of motor accident victims.


Settlement won for grieving family that lost their father.


Settlement won for wrongful death case.


Settlement won for motorcycle accident victim.

Bar Admissions

  • Texas, 1987
  • U.S. District Court Southern District of Texas, 1992


  • University of Houston Law Center, Houston, Texas J.D. – 1987
  • George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia B.A. – 1984
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